Always trust your mother’s intuition. It is there for a reason. Sometimes we might be wrong, but isn’t it best to check, rather than worry about it on our own?

People will force you to question yourself and your parenting, but your child’s health, safety and happiness are always at the forefront of your mind and no one should make you feel bad about wanting to protect your child.

When Parker was a baby, his breathing was really fast, especially when he was moving around. I’d always bring it up at doctors’ appointments and they would agree but say it was because he had allergies. They weren’t wrong about that and there was nothing that needed to be done, but a part of me always felt like they weren’t getting to the bottom of whatever was going on. Fast forward to him age seven and, having had many trips to A&E, ambulance rides and hospital stays with croup leading to wheeze, we now know he has asthma and hay fever, and that his reaction to getting ill is usually croup.

So I wasn’t wrong: he was suffering with an underlying health complaint. And in many ways this gave me confidence to lean into and trust my instincts with my children, because sometimes, just sometimes, I knew what was really going on more than the experts.

My mother’s intuition did take a while to kick in, though. Parker was my first child, and having not had much experience with younger siblings or other people’s children (because I got pregnant at 24), I had no idea how often babies cried. So I just assumed that all babies cried as much as Parker. After having a few people come round and tell me gently that he did seem to be crying quite a lot, I realized something more was going on. It’s funny, isn’t it? When you’re used to something, you don’t see it, because it’s your version of normal. But the minute someone from the outside comes in, you realize actually something’s not quite right – and I sort of knew it wasn’t either, but I didn’t want to face it.

Dr Ed was also the person who noticed Parker’s speech was delayed. Again, having no other children to compare him to and being a laid-back parent who wasn’t worried about him hitting certain linguistic milestones at particular times, I hadn’t worried about his speech. And I hadn’t yet developed the confidence as a mother to question it either.

As a mother I think it is important to remember that when you meet another person you don’t know them inside out. It takes time to get to know them, and for them to get to know you. you learn each other’s likes and dislikes and what works for you both together. So why do we expect any different when we have a baby? Babies are figuring themselves out at the same time as figuring you out, and you are doing the same thing too – you are growing into being their parent and they are growing into being your child.