Centring gathers your energy and brings your awareness into the moment. Once you are centred you feel more present, calmer and better able to deal with whatever you need to focus on. You centre your energy by drawing your awareness down into your body, focusing your energy in the lower belly, the solar plexus or the heart. Which centre you choose is up to you.
Most people will find they have a preference.
Centring at the Heart
Centring at the heart is a good choice for healers and those working in the caring professions, as it encourages compassion. The heart is the meeting point in the chakra system between the physical lower chakras and the spiritual higher chakras and, as such, it is a place of balance and equilibrium. For healers, centring at the heart will help the healing energy to flow. The stream of healing energy from the universe and the nurturing energy from the Earth can be brought to meet at the heart, then flow through the arms and out to the recipient through the palm chakras.
1. Choose a green crystal such as aventurine or a pink crystal such as rose quartz. Hold your chosen crystal and stand or sit upright.
2. Take a few deep breaths. Bring your attention to your heart centre in the middle of your chest. Focus on your breathing in this area as you hold your crystal to the heart chakra. You may feel warmth or sense a glowing pink or green energy as you centre here. By centring at the heart for a few minutes a day you may find you become less judgemental and more understanding.
Centring at the Solar Plexus
The solar plexus is situated above your naval and below your breastbone. A complex system of radiating nerves is centred here, which is what the term “plexus” refers to. This is the location of your solar plexus chakra, which processes energy and supports your sense of personal power and your will.
1. Choose a golden crystal such as pyrite, citrine or rutilated quartz. Hold the crystal and stand or sit upright.
2. Take a few deep breaths. Relax your shoulders and bring your attention to your solar plexus. Breathe into your solar plexus and hold your crystal over it.
3. Visualize, or imagine, a glowing ball of energy gathering here, golden and shining like the Sun. You may feel the area growing warmer. Spending a few minutes a day centring at your solar plexus can improve your energy levels, empower you and build your resolve.